Galagtion Tabidze – Biography
Galaktion Tabidze was born in Georgia, in 1892. Much of his work is influenced by Symbolists, Tablize (who survived the purges of the ’30s) was one of the most recognizable Georgian poets of the the early 20th Century, especially by the newly Sovietization of Georgia in 1921, he was recognized by some of the top Communist Leaders of that time.
One of his most influential books was called, “Artistic Flowers” (1919)
During that time of the Communist occupation of Georgia, this meant that they had to recognize the people who were already shown to be of popularity, especially Modernists such as Tabidze, and show them more of a Socialistic realism view on life. Tabidze would often, in future works, simulate, and often times parody these changes. Which meant that he had to trick those who read his work as being for Socialism and not Modernism. A lot of people in his time/government did misinterpret his work.
Tabidze would often depict his frustration and suffering due to the dramatic spiritual statement, his faithlessness and his inner conflict.
He died in 1959.
Galagtion Tabidze (1892-1959). Georgian poet. Born in the village of Chkviisi, he studied at the Tbilisi Theological Seminary, but became involved in revolutionary circles. In 1908, he published his first writings and later traveled to Russia and Europe, where he was influenced by the symbolists. A remarkably talented poet, he authored thousands of poems that established him as one of the greatest Georgian poets and accorded him the rare honor of being known simply as Galaktion. Among his most famous poems are Usikvarulod, Me da Ghame, Kari hkris, Droshebi chkara, Sasaplaoni, etc. Although he survived the Stalinist purges, the deaths of his wife and friends plunged him into depression and alcoholism. He was eventually placed in a psychiatric hospital but jumped to his death from the hospital window in 1959.