Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre.

They are an enduring source of mystery for scientists and psychological doctors. Why do dreams occur? What causes them? Can we control them? What do they mean?

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

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There are currently 365 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.

To see the letter T in your dream represents your stubbornness and your refusal to change your attitudes and opinions. Alternatively, the dream is analogous to a fork in the road and the two choices or directions.

To see a table in your dream represents social unity and family connections. If the table is broken, wobbly or not functional, then it suggests some dissension in a group. It may also refer to a sense of insecurity. Perhaps there is something you cannot hold inside any longer and need to bring it out in the open.

To dream that you are setting the table suggests that you laying the groundwork for a plan or personal endeavor. It also implies confidence.

To see a round table in your dream indicates evenness, sharing, cooperation, equal rights and opportunities for all. It also symbolizes honesty, loyalty, and chivalry.

To dream that you are lying on a table indicates your need for nourishment and relaxation. It relates to health concerns and anxieties about your well-being.

To dream that a table is walking or moving by itself signifies that you will undergo some changes in your life which will relieve you of some dissatisfaction.

If you see a very long table in your dream, then it suggests that you are feeling isolated even though you are surrounded by family and friends. Everything around you is moving ahead, but you are unable to keep up.

Table Tennis
To see or play table tennis in your dream suggests that you are going back and forth between two choices. You are confused over an important decision in your life. Alternatively, the dream also indicates commitment issues. You are having difficulty committing to a decision, to a relationship or social obligation.

To see a soiled tablecloth in your dream signifies disobedience and quarrels.

*Please See Pill.

To dream that you are being tackled represents obstacles that are standing in your way toward your goals. Something or someone is preventing you from achieving your goals.

To see tacks in your dream symbolize annoyances in your life. You are becoming confrontational and quarrelsome.

To dream that you are pushing or driving a tack represents some pressing matter. The dream may also be a pun on things that you are "tacking" onto your schedule. Perhaps, there is something that you need to remember.

To see or eat a taco in your dream signifies warmth and comfort. Consider the type of taco shell, as this is analogous to your demeanor and attitude in your waking life. If it is a hard shell taco, then it represents your brash and "hard" exterior. If it is a soft shell taco, then it signifies your adaptability and yielding persona.

To see tadpoles in your dream suggest that you have not reached your full potential. If you are a woman and dream of tadpoles, then the dream may indicate your desire to be pregnant.

To see or eat taffy in your dream implies that you are enjoying the rewards of your hard work.

To dream that you are playing tag represents your level of determination and agility toward achieving your goals. If you are the one being chased, then the dream means that you are trying to dodge some responsibility. If you are the one who is doing the chasing, then it signifies your instincts and your determination to go after what you want. The dream may be telling you that "you're it!" You are the chosen one or the one that is chosen for the job.

To see only the tail of an animal in your dream signifies annoyances and complications in a situation where pleasure was expected. If the tail is wagging, then it symbolizes excitement, thrills, and joy. If the tail is between the legs, then it represents fear and humiliation. Alternatively, the dream represents balance. Or it may be a pun on "being tailed" as in being followed or chased.

To dream that you have grown a tail represents an aspect of the past that still lingers with you.

To see a tailor in your dream represents your abilities and creativity. The dream may also be a pun on the need to "tailor" your actions or behavior in order to fit in.

Taj Mahal
To see or dream that you are at the Taj Mahal represents calmness. You are putting an issue or situation to rest.

To dream that you are ordering or eating takeout food implies that you are looking for some sort of emotional support. You are not spending enough time confronting your feelings or you have avoided your feelings for too long. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that there is something that you need to "take out" or "take away" from your life.

To dream that you are dressed as a Chinese takeout container means that you are lacking some sort of social life. Perhaps you want someone to take you out.

Takig examsn
This type of dream can just mean that you’re being put to the test in waking life, or you feel like you’re being judged by the people around you. It doesn’t have be be a bad thing, and sometimes it’s just your brain saying ‘you’re being watched by people’. It can also literally mean that you’re worried about taking your exams though, if you’re still in school! But for adults who have long since passed their exams, it usually just means that you’re worried about what others will think of you, or how you’ll perform in some big event that’s coming up.

Taking drugs
Drugs in general are substances that meet a need, whether that’s an addiction or an illness. So to dream about drugs means you’re either addicted and having withdrawal symptoms, or you feel like your health is in bad shape and you want a fix.

Talent Show
To dream that you are in a talent show indicates that you are recognizing and using your potential and skills. You are acknowledging your abilities and moving toward a new stage in your life. Consider the reaction and behavior of the audience as they symbolize your social circle and support system. If the audience reacts negatively, then it suggests that your friends and family are not supportive of you. Conversely, if the audience reacts positively, then it means that you have a support system to lean on.

To dream that you are watching a talent show suggests that you are not utilizing your full potential. You are watching your own talents go to waste.

To dream that you are wearing a talisman indicates that you are in need of protection. Sometimes you need to put away your pride and know when to ask for outside help.

Talk Show
To watch a talk show or dream that you are on a talk show indicates that there is a topic or issue that you want to discuss, but do not know how to bring it up.

To dream that you are talking does not have any significance unless it is unusual or bizarre. What are you saying specifically. Consider also if what you say evoke strong feelings or behavioral reactions. The dream may simply be highlighting your need improve your communication skills or learn to express yourself more clearly.

If you dream that you cannot talk or have difficulties speaking, then it means that you are not expressing yourself effectively. Perhaps you feel that your opinion or words mean nothing to others.

Talking to an animal
Dreaming about talking to animals can mean that you’re after a better connection with nature. The idea of talking to animals has been around for a while, and so to dream about it can mean that you just need to get back in touch with nature.

To dream that you are taller than someone indicates that you may be looking down on that person. You feel that you are above her or him. Alternatively, the dream represents authority and pride.

To dream that others are taller than you suggests that you have a tendency to overlook things. Perhaps you feel that a higher power is always looking over you and judging your actions. Alternatively, the dream denotes low self-esteem issues. You are looking down on yourself.

To see tallow in your dream signifies that love and wealth will quickly vanish if you are not cautious and continue to carry on your careless way.

To see talons in your dream symbolize something that is within your grasp. You need to be more decisive and go for what you want. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are feeling defensive about something.

To eat or make tamales in your dream symbolize togetherness and spiritual bonding. Alternatively, the dream represents the importance of learning from past generations.

To see a tamarind tree in your dream signifies faithfulness. meanings by DreamMoods.com

To see or play a tambourine in your dream symbolizes the rhythm and beat of your life. You are in control of the various aspects of life that you partake or join in.

To dream that you are taming an animal symbolizes your control over your animalistic urges. You are experiencing balance and harmony.

To dream that you are being tamed indicates that you need to exercise better control in your life. Show more restraint. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are accepting aspects of yourself that you had previously rejected.

To see or wear a tampon in your dream signifies aggression. You are experiencing some tension that needs to be released. Alternatively, the dream may also be analogous to the phallus.

*Please See Dream Moods' interpretation of Suntan.

Tan Lines
To dream that you have tan lines in your dream represent the positives and negatives of a situation. You need to look at the pros and cons.

To dream that you are doing something in tandem with someone else symbolizes a strong and solid partnership. This may refer to a business partnership, marital partnership or just plain teamwork. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you cannot always do things on your own. Sometimes you need to seek the help of others in order to accomplish some mutual goal.

To see or eat a tangerine in your dream implies that you are in need of a quick and easy boost of energy.

To dream that you are tangled up in something symbolizes confusion or chaos in your waking life. Pay attention to how you untangle yourself in the dream and apply it to your real life situation. The dream may also be a pun on "doing the tango".

To dream that you are dancing the tango signifies sensuality, intensity, and drama. Perhaps you need to exhibit these qualities in your work or relationship. Also consider the proverb "it takes two to tango" which refers to mutual cooperation and teamwork.

To see a tank filled with water in your dream signifies prosperity and satisfaction with the current state of your life. You have complete control over your emotions. If there is a faceless human/fish-like creature inside the tank, then it implies that you are keeping an aspect of your emotions bottled up. You are afraid of confronting your own feelings.

To see a military tank in your dream represents the need to defend yourself and stand up for your beliefs, even if it means being confrontational or violent. You are not letting anything or anybody stand in your way toward your goals. Alternatively, the tank symbolizes a threat.

Dreaming of a tank car on a train indicates that your feelings are predictable. Alternatively, seeing tank cars in your dream mean that you tend to not let your emotions get in the way of your decisions. You know how to stay objective.

To see a tannery in your dream refers to your perseverance and thick-skinned nature. Despite what life throws at you, you remain tough and steadfast.

To dream that you are a tanner suggests that sometimes you still have to do something even though is it not what you want to do.

Tanning Bed
To see or lay on a tanning bed in your dream symbolizes your vanity and your preoccupation with beauty. Alternatively, the dream may be calling attention to your primal instinct or dark side.

To dream that you are throwing a tantrum implies that you are behaving immaturely in some waking situation. You are expressing your anger in an ineffective way.

To dream that someone is throwing a tantrum suggests that you are not confronting your anger. You are projecting your negative feelings onto someone else.

To see or wear tanzanite in your dream suggests that an important message or vision will be made known to you. Alternatively, tanzanite refers to spiritual healing, fresh beginnings and new awareness. The blue color of the tanzanite represents clarity, cleansing and spirituality.

Encountering a Tao teacher in your dreams suggests you will find your way, or your path in life. This will be the guide to help you seek the right path.

*Please See Faucet.

Tap Dancing
To dream that you are tap dancing indicates that you need to keep up with life or else you will be left behind. The franticness and speed of the tapping parallels how chaotic or calm your life is.

To see someone tap dancing in your dream represents the rhythm of life.

To see or use tape in your dream represents your limitations. On the other hand, the dream may be telling you that you need to show more restraint in some aspect of your life.

Tape Measure
*Please See Measuring Tape.

Tape Recorder
To see or use a tape recorder in your dream suggests that there is a message that you need to absorb and incorporate in your daily life. Alternatively, it indicates that there is a past message that you may have overlooked.

To see tapestry in your dream represents your past and your current life experiences. The tapestry is also symbolic of luxurious living and pleasurable surroundings.

To see a torn and ragged tapestry in your dream refers to a lack resources needed to satisfy your needs and desires.

To have or see a tapeworm in your dream forewarns of poor health. You need to reevaluate your diet and lifestyle.

To dream that you are tapping your fingers or your toes indicates idleness. You may have lost your direction or lost sight of your goals. Alternatively, to tap your fingers or toes in your dream points to some nervous energy. There is a problem that you cannot solve or a decision that is weighing on your mind.

To see tar in your dream signifies your dependency on something or someone. You need to be more self-reliant. Tar is also symbolic of the subconscious and the negative aspect of the Self.

In particular, to dream that you are tarred and feathered symbolizes pent up anger, hostility and shame. You are punishing yourself.

Tar Pit
To see a tar pit in your dream indicates that your subconscious material is threatening to rise to the surface.

Tarantulas are powerful images of the feminine side of the dreamer, it connects to the shadow side – unconscious traits and behaviors that stem from the mother. It is common to be attacked by tarantulas as a warning relating to the creative, intuition and emotions that are not understood. They may also bite when these traits are not understood within in hopes the dreamer makes it conscious.

Targets are indications of goals in your life where you are set on attaining it. If you hit the target it indicates that you are on the right path in life in order to reach your goals. However, if you missed the target, it means that you are missing opportunities.

Tarot Cards
To dream of a tarot reading indicates your current situation and state of mind. You are open to exploring your subconscious thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to what the Tarot Cards reveal. Consider the following general meanings of the four Tarot suits: The Wands represent fire, inspiration, spirituality, action, initiative, and the Psyche. The suit of the Swords signify air, determination, strength, faith, and conquering of fear. The Cups symbolize water, emotions, purity, and your outlook toward life and the future. The Pentacles denote finances, social influence, worldly knowledge, and your connection with nature and earth.

To see or eat a tart in your dream suggests that things are going well for you. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun for a woman who looks like a tart? If you are a woman, then the dream may mean that you need to loosen up a little bit and not be so uptight.

To see or wear tartan in your dream suggests that some of your conservative views are in conflict with your liberal and wild side. The tartan may also mean that you are being too unyielding about something.

To dream that you have been hit by a Taser suggests that you are in need of a jolt or a shot of energy in your life. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to stop and think about what you are doing. Perhaps you need to be knocked into your senses.

To see tassels in your dream signify some spiritual transition.

To taste something bad in your dream suggests that you need to reconsider some situation, relationship or decision. Give it a second chance. For specific taste, please see Sour, Sweet, Salty in the Dream Moods dream dictionary.

Tater Tots
To see or eat tater tots in your dream implies that you are focusing too much on petty matters.

To dream that you have tattoos represent your sense of individuality and the desire to stand out in a crowd. You want to be unique and different from everybody else, particularly if you do not have any tattoos in real life. Consider also what the tattoo is and what significance it has in your life. It may represent something that has left a lasting impression on you. Alternatively, to dream that you have a tattoo suggests that a waking situation or decision is having a much longer lasting effect that you had expected.

To dream that your significant other has a tattoo that they don't have in real life suggests that he or she is trying to express himself or herself in the relationship. He or she wants to get your attention and communicate some important message. Perhaps you have been overlooking or ignoring something in the relationship.

To dream that you are a tattoo artist suggests that your exotic tastes and strange experiences may turn off those around you. If you are a tattooist in real life, then the dream is just a reflection of who you are.

To dream that you are getting a dragon tattoo on your wrist implies that you are looking for attention. You want to be acknowledged and awarded for your efforts and positive actions.

Dreaming of getting a tattoo of the ace of diamonds means that you are proud of your past accomplishments and want to share it with those around you.

To dream that someone is a Taurus represents determination, practicality, stubbornness, perseverance and willpower. Perhaps you need to incorporate these qualities into yourself. It also refers to your love of beauty and your gentleness. Alternatively, the dream points to some issues with your neck or throat.

*Please See Pub.

To dream that you are paying taxes represent the price you are paying for the way you live. The dream may be stemming from some sort of self-guilt and the debt that you owe to society. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that is physically or mentally "taxing" on you. You are feeling overburdened.

To refuse to pay taxes in your dream indicates that you are rebelling against society or the government. You are a non-conformist.

*Please See Cab.

To see taxidermy in your dream suggests that you need to give new life to some relationship or situation that you previously thought was forgotten or dead.

To dream that you are making or drinking tea symbolizes satisfaction and contentment in your life. A time for personal reflection and enjoyment.

Tea Bag
To see a tea bag in your dream suggests that you need for more calmness in your life. Take a rest! If the tea bag is in use, then refer to the interpretation for tea.

Tea House
To dream that you are at tea house symbolizes your social life. It is time to call up old friends and catch up with what they are all up to.

To dream that you are making or drinking tea symbolizes satisfaction and contentment in your life. A time for personal reflection and enjoyment.

Teachers in your dream will come across as a guide or your inner knowledge. They have the ability to give you a passing grade or fail in order to get to the next stage. These stages can be either emotional or psychical. You may be seeking advice or knowledge pertaining to something difficult in your life. They have the experience to guide you if you are willing to listen.

To see teacups in your dream indicate that you need to be more spiritual.

To see a teakettle or tea pot in your dream symbolizes the mundane aspect of your life. Perhaps you are taking certain things for granted or are overlooking something or someone.

*Please See Duck or See Dream Moods' Dream Themes: Colors.

To dream that you are part of a team indicates the importance of working together. The dream may be a metaphor that you have your life in order. If you are unhappy in the team, then it suggests that you are having issues in some area of your waking relationship. You may not be getting along with some work colleague or family member.

Tear Gas
To come in contact with tear gas in your dream suggests that you are feeling suffocated and smothered by some relationship. You need to cleanse yourself and get rid of past pain.

To dream that you are in tears signify that you are undergoing a period of healing in your life. The tears symbolize compassion, emotional healing and spiritual cleansing. Alternatively, tears indicate pain.

To dream that someone is in tears indicate that you need to rethink your actions and how your behavior may be affecting those around you.

To see a teardrop in your dream represents some previous wisdom that you have learned or recalled.

To dream that you are being teased suggests that you are behaving or acting inappropriately in some waking situation. You are not taking your actions seriously. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are feeling victimized by others or by circumstances. Teasing may also be a metaphor for someone who is being "a tease", perhaps even yourself.

To dream that you are teasing another person indicates that you are having a problem accepting an aspect of your own character as represented by the person being teased. They may highlight your own insecurities and self-doubt.

Teddy Bear
To see or receive a teddy bear in your dream suggests a regression to an earlier state. You may be reminiscing about early childhood memories. Or it may symbolize lost security, comfort, and companionship. You need to be reassured and taken care of. Alternatively, a teddy bear signifies an immature relationship.

If you are beyond your adolescence and you dream that you are a teenager, then the dream suggests that you are acting immaturely. An aspect of yourself may still need some developing in order to achieve fulfillment. Alternatively, to dream that you are a teenager suggests that you are struggling for your independence and autonomy.

To see or dream that you are living in a teepee signifies your ability to adapt to any situation or circumstance. You tend to just go with the flow. Alternatively, dream about a teepee indicates that you are temporarily shielding yourself from a situation. Sooner or later, you will not to confront the issue at hand. The dream may refer to the initials T.P.

The oldest symbol every decoded dating back to ancient Egypt. Teeth dreams are known to be vivid yet enigmatic symbols that have a wide range of interpretations attached to it. Unfortunately, teeth are know to crack, fall out, rotting or missing that brings attention to unconscious aspects taking place within the dreamer. Sometimes it can represent some sort of personal loss or feelings of inadequacy.

Teeth falling out or wobbling
The teeth falling out dream (or I should say nightmare!) is a VERY common dream that people have. Almost everyone’s had a dream about their teeth falling out at one point in their lives, and probably wondered what it means. Turns out this dream is very common because when we’re young and we lose our teeth for the first time (our milk teeth to make way for the real ones), we’re scared. I remember being terrified of what was happening to me when my teeth started falling out, and it’s usually the first REALLY traumatic or scary thing we experience as young people. So it’s no surprise that the brain LINKS this first experience of fear and trauma with other things in life that make you feel scared or uneasy. So that’s why if you dream about your teeth falling out as an ADULT, it just means you’re scared or worried about the changes going on in your life now. It’s like your brain saying ‘WOAH this stuff is worrying.. it’s a bit like that other big worrying thing we experienced a few years ago, where your TEETH started falling out!’.

To dream that you receive a telegram represents an important message from your subconscious. Receiving a telegram may be an indirect and non-confrontational approach to which you can better deal with some suppressed matters.

To dream that you are sending a telegram indicates that you are trying to make an aspect of yourself known without being too direct about it.

To dream that you are telekinetic represents a higher level of awareness and consciousness. You are not utilizing your full potential and need to start putting your stored energy levels and mental abilities to use. In other words, you need to put your thoughts into action. For some, dreams of telekinetic powers may indicate your latent paranormal abilities.

The ability to communicate with people using your thoughts, feelings and desires. These dream could suggest that you have a strong ability to move you way up the ladder in life by using your communication skills.

To see or hear a telephone in your dream signifies a message from your subconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. You may be forced to confront issues which you have been avoiding. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others. If there is no dial tone or the phone is left off the hook, then the dream indicates that you are shutting yourself out. You are experiencing difficulties in getting your thoughts and feelings across. To hear a dial tone in your dream means that you are receptive to new ideas and open to other's opinions.

To dream that you do not want to return a call or answer a ringing telephone indicates a lack of communication. There is a situation or relationship that you are trying to keep at a distance. To dream that the telephone is constantly ringing means that some message is not coming through properly.

To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone you know signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. This issue may have to do with letting go some part of yourself. If you are put on hold, then the dream is a metaphor for being taken for granted or being unable to freely express yourself.

To dream that you dial the wrong number means that you are experiencing difficulties in relating to others. You have trouble expressing yourself and over-think things.

To dream that your telephone has been tapped indicates that aspects of your subconscious must be confronted. Alternatively, it implies that you have a fear of being exposed. There is something you are hiding.

Telephone Book
To see or use a telephone book in your dream suggests that "you need to reach out and touch someone". Perhaps there is someone from your past that you need to reconnect with. Or the dream may be a metaphor telling you that there is some issue that you need to "address".

Telephone Booth
To see or dream that you are inside a telephone booth refers to a message or advice that comes with a price. It may also point to your communication or relationship with someone and how it is taking a toll on you in some way.

Dreaming that the the phone booth is out of order implies that you are being shut out . You are having difficulties connecting to others or you are unable to get your thoughts across in an effective way.

Telephone Charger
To see or use a telephone charger in your dream suggests that you are feeling drained or empty. Thus the dream may be metaphor that you need to be "recharged" and revitalized. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are disconnected from others. Perhaps you are isolating yourself.

Telephone Number
To see a phone number in your dream suggests that you need to make contact with someone or reach out for help.

To dream that you cannot remember or find a phone number suggests that you need to start being more independent and responsible.

To dream that you cannot dial a phone number correctly suggests that you are having difficulties in getting through to someone in your waking life. Consider whose phone number you are trying to dial. Perhaps he or she is not taking your advice or listening to what you have to say.

To dream that you are giving someone your telephone number means that you need to take the initiative and reach out to others. You need to make the first move.

Telephone Pole
To see a telephone pole in your dream symbolizes some spiritual communication. If you see a row of telephone poles, then it represents your connections to others. Perhaps there is someone who you need to reach out to.

To teleport in your dream represents your desires to escape your current situation or to move more faster and easier through it. You may be expressing some frustrations with how your waking life is proceeding and the slow speed that it is moving at.

To dream that you are reading from a teleprompter implies that you are not saying what you really feel. Instead you are saying what others want to hear.

To see a telescope in your dream might suggest that you need to look at something in closer detail. Things you should be aware of in the dream are the people around you or what ever you are looking at

To dream that you are watching television represents your mind and its flowing thoughts. The dream reflects how you are receiving, integrating, and expressing your ideas and thoughts. The programs you dream of watching are an objective view of the things that are in your mind.

To dream that you are on TV suggests that there is something that you want to broadcast to the whole world. You have the desire to express yourself. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to take a more objective view on your life issues. If you dream that the TV show is your reality, then it means that you are avoiding some responsibility.

To dream that the television is broken or that the picture is fuzzy suggests that you are looking at a problem all wrong. You need to re-evaluate an issue.

**See The Meaning In Action: "Roswell" & "TV Dream"

To dream that you or someone is taking your temperature suggests that you need to keep your temper in check. If the temperature is high, then it indicates that feelings of anger or hatred or threatening to come to your consciousness. If the temperature is low or normal, then it indicates that you are able to remain calm and cool under pressure.

To dream that you are caught in a tempest indicates a violent emotional outbreak. You are experiencing a lot of anger, rage and turmoil.

*See Storm or Cyclones.

To see a temple in your dream represents inspiration, spiritual thinking, meditation and growth. It is also symbolic of your physical body and the attention you give it. Perhaps you need to pamper yourself. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking for a place of refuge and a place to keep things that are dear to you.

To dream of a temptation represents a conflict between your Self and your desires and between instant gratification and long term goals. You are trying to weigh some life decision.

Ten Commandments
To dream of the ten commandments suggest that you will be rewarded if you behave and follow the rules.

To dream that you are a tenant indicates a lack of responsibility for the way you are living. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are overstepping someone else's boundaries.

To dream that you have a tenant suggests that you are ready for a committed relationship.

To dream that you are playing tennis represents changes or challenges in your life. You need to actively assert yourself and prove yourself time and time again. Alternatively, playing or watching tennis indicates that you are unable to commit to a situation or decision. You are literally going back and forth between two choices. Perhaps the dream is trying to tell you that "the ball is in your court." It is your turn to make the next move. meanings by DreamMoods.com

Since one of the score in tennis is denoted as "love", then the game of tennis may be a metaphor for a romantic relationship or a courtship.

Tennis Court
To see a tennis court in your dream implies that you need to choose a side in some challenge or argument.

To dream that you are in a tent indicates that you need a temporary change to your daily routine. You need to take time off and get away from the daily grind. Alternatively, the dream may mean instability and insecurity in your current situation. You do not want to settle down. Dreaming that you are in a tent may be a pun on your "in-tent" or intentions.

Tent Pegging
To dream that you are tent pegging represents the small accomplishments you make along the way toward a bigger goal. Alternatively the dream is analogous to your sexual conquests.

To see tentacles in your dream symbolize unknown danger lurking from the depths of your subconscious. Your subconscious is trying to pull you in so you can address the issues that you have been refusing to confront or acknowledge. Alternatively, the dream refers to a very clingy relationship.

To dream that you are drinking tequila represents your relaxed state of mind. You want to let go of life's daily problems.

To dream that you are at the terminal represents relationships and situations that you are leaving behind. It signifies a transitional phase where you are approaching a new direction in life. Consider if the train or flight was delayed, early or on time. The dream may also be a metaphor to symbolize someone who is "terminally" ill or your own fears of death.

To see termites in your dream represent an attack to your soul or to your being. Alternatively, the dream refers to the end of a phase in your life.

To see a terrarium in your dream indicates that you are keeping aspects of yourself a secret and protecting yourself from others. Alternatively, the terrarium symbolizes fertility, creativity, and the birth of new ideas.

To dream that you are in terror indicates unresolved fears or doubts that needs to be confronted.

To see a terrorist in your dream might be connected to pent up anger and explosive emotions in your environment. The misunderstood aspect that is ready to blow things up if its demands are not met. Alternatively, most terrorist dreams are related to fears relating to these occurrence.

To dream that you are taking a test indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. If you fail the test, then it suggests that you are feeling inadequate or insecure about some aspect of your waking life. If you ace the test, then it means that you are prepared and ready for the task at hand. There is also the notion that if you visualize success, then you will achieve success. Thus, this dream may be a "practice exercise" for you to visualize success in your real life. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "feeling testy" and irritated.

Test Tube
To see or use a test tube in your dream refers to your reaction to some situation. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to be more willing to experience new things.

To see testicles in your dream symbolize raw energy, power, fertility or sexual drive. The dream may refer to anxiety about your sexual prowess. Alternatively, it indicates that you will need a lot of nerve to achieve some task.

To dream that you are testifying in your dream represents your quest for the truth.

To dream that you are playing tetherball implies that you are on a set path and are unable to veer off course. You feel limited in what you can do. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are getting wound up over some issue.

To dream that you or someone is playing Tetris indicates that you are juggling various responsibilities in your life. You are overwhelmed with trying to fit everything into your busy schedule. The dream is analogous to sorting out and organizing the different aspects of your life.

If you have never been to Texas, but dream of this state, then the dream means that you need to think big and keep an open mind. If you live in Texas, then the dream may just be a reflection of your reality.

Text Message
Receiving a text on your phones are important messages from the sender. The message could be coming down from the unconscious in metaphors pertaining to news being received.

To see textbooks in your dream indicate that you still have a lot of learning to do and knowledge to gain. Consider the subject of the textbook for additional clues.

To notice textures in your dream is indicative of the degree of difficulty you are experiencing in some waking situation. To see or feel a smooth texture implies ease, while rough texture means a difficult situation. To dream of a gritty texture symbolizes hesitance or tentativeness about a decision, situation or relationship. If you dream of a soft or fuzzy texture, then it implies a warm and welcoming situation.

To dream that you are thanking someone indicates that you are acknowledging and accepting some aspect of that person within your own self.

To dream about Thanksgiving represents togetherness, family reunions, festivities, and your sense of community. The dream is a reflection on your life and the connections that you have made. Alternatively, this dream may be a metaphor that you need to thank somebody. You may be indebted to someone. Consider also your own associations and traditions with Thanksgiving.

To dream that you are thatching a roof indicates that you are putting up a barrier between your conscious and subconscious state. You are not ready to confront issues from your subconscious.

To see ice thawing in your dream indicates that you are slowly warming up to an idea, person or situation. You may have come to terms with old ideals or past demons.

To dream that you are thawing food refers to emotions that you have repressed, but are ready to confront.

The red door in a dream
For example, if it’s something illegal, and you know you can’t do it in waking life, then your brain might be just trying to scratch it’s own itch by letting you experience it in a dream.

The Seventies
To dream that you are back in the 1970's represents your desire to escape from your current circumstances. The 70's may be personally meaningful to you if your grew up during that period. Perhaps you need to let loose and adopt a more carefree attitude. Or there is a social issue that you need to get involved in.

This dream alters depending if you are in audience or on the stage. The stage might be correlation to how you act or perceived by others in your walking life. What role you assume on stage might be what you portray to others.

Theme Park
*Please See Amusement Park.

To see a therapist in your dream signifies wisdom from your subconscious. The therapist may appear to help you work through your problems, things that you are not seeing, or issues you are refusing to confront head on. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are lacking an outlet to express your feelings. You have no one to talk to and the dream therapy session may be a way to provide relief.

To see or read a thermometer in your dream represents your emotions, whether you are frigid, emotionally cold, warm, or hot. It also symbolizes your reaction to a situation or relationship.

To see or use a thermos in your dream suggests that you are trying to keep a certain feeling or hope alive. Negatively, you may be trying to hold onto something for too long. It is time to let go.

To see or adjust the thermostat in your dream represents control over your emotions. You are keeping your temper in check.

They’re always like that
This refers to dreams about people you KNOW in which they do something that they ‘always do’. This can be a dream about a friend talking in a certain way, or the specific mannerisms your partner has. It doesn’t really MEAN anything specific but it can be said that it refers to your preconception of them.

Theft in dreams might be related to personal or emotional violation of the dreamer. Depending what object was taken will give you a clue. If your wallet or purse was taken suggests an attack on your identity, someone might be trying to take away what belongs to you. If you are a thief in your dream suggests taking something without someone’s approval.

To see your thigh in your dream symbolizes stamina and endurance. It refers to your ability to perform and do things. If you are admiring your thigh in your dream, then it signifies your adventurous and daring nature. However you need to be careful with your conduct.

To use a thimble in your dream indicates that you need to tend to the needs of others instead of pursuing your own self-pleasures. If you are looking for a thimble in your dream, then it refers to some domestic issue.

To dream that something or someone is thin represents a lacking strength and integrity. You feel that you are unable to hold your own or stand up for yourself. Alternatively, the dream indicates flexibility and agility. You are able to adapt to any situation.

Third Eye
A very powerful omen has awakened something within. This symbol can connected you with higher knowledge and psychic abilities that are dormant within. If seen on a baby it could imply your inner child or new developments.

To dream that you are thirsty symbolizes an unmet need. There is an emotional void in your life. Or you may be seeking for some inspiration, motivation or just an extra push.

To quench your thirst in your dream indicates that you have the ability to succeed and fulfill your desires.

When we are thirsty in dreams sometime we wake up dehydrated. If not it suggest that you need to replenish something internally that you are desperately needing.

To see thistle in your dream represents your need to feel protected. You are putting up an emotional barrier around you and as a result, pushing the people away.

To see or wear a thong in your dream represents satisfaction with your body image and your sexuality. Alternatively, the dream denotes your readiness to expose or reveal an aspect of yourself that was previously private. You are opening yourself up to others.

If your thong is showing from under your pants, then it denotes a lack of respect or taste. You are committing some indiscretion.

To see thorns in your dream suggest that there is a prickly situation that you need to overcome. Thorns also symbolize past trauma or some physical suffering. You may be putting up your defenses. Also consider if someone is being a pain or a "thorn by your side."

To see thread in your dream symbolizes your life path and destiny. It also represents a connection to your thoughts and ideas. Consider also the color of the thread and look up the significance in Dream Moods' Dream Themes: Colors. meanings by DreamMoods.com

To dream that you threaten someone suggests that you need to assert and stand up for yourself in your waking life. Don't let anyone boss you around.

To dream that you are being threatened indicates that you have internalized some fear. You are feeling inadequate or oppressed.

Things come in threes. A very powerful number that connects to your ideals or thoughts are coming to fruition in your life.

To dream that you are involved in a threesome indicates that there is a missing component in your sex life. Pay attention to the gender of the participants in the threesome. If mostly female, then the dream implies that the missing component may pertain to some emotional aspect of sex. If mostly male, then the dream implies that some physical aspect of sex is lacking. Note that the dream does not necessarily mean that you want a threesome in your waking life.

To dream that you are threshing grain signifies satisfaction in your professional and personal relationships.

To dream that you are crossing or being carried over or a threshold symbolizes a new relationship, fresh beginnings or possible marriage. You are entering a new phase of your life.

Thrift Shop
To dream that you are at a thrift shop suggests that there are things from your past experiences that you can still learn from. Don't underestimate something that is seemingly worthless. The thrift shop may also symbolize ideas or skills that you have forgotten and can draw from in a current situation.

To see your throat in your dream symbolizes the ability to express yourself and communicate your thoughts and ideas.

To dream that you have a sore throat or have throat problems suggest that you are having problems saying what you really think. You are having difficulties experiencing how you feel and conveying your thoughts. You may feel threatened or vulnerable when you express yourself. Alternatively, your dream may be telling you that you need to swallow your pride.

Dreaming of having a string attached to something caught in your throat represents something that you regret saying and wished that you can somehow take it back.

If you dream that someone's throat is slit, then it forewarns that this person is unable to keep a secret.

To dream that you are sitting on a throne symbolizes power, leadership and authority. You are in control of all aspects of your life. Alternatively, a throne represents your achievements and goals.

To see an empty throne in your dream signifies your unwillingness to accept some responsibilities.

To dream that you are throwing something indicates that there is someone or something that you need to rid yourself of from your life. Consider the object that you are throwing. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun that you are "throwing" or fixing a game or situation. Are you working against the objective?

To dream that someone is throwing something at you implies that there is something that you have overlooked and need to pay closer attention. Perhaps you need to be on the alert for something that is headed your way. Consider how hard the throw is and what is being thrown at your for additional significance. If it was a hard throw, then it means that you may be in for a surprise.

To see a thumb in your dream indicates that you need to get a grip on things. It is symbolic of power and ability. If you are giving the thumbs up, then it represents approval and that you are "okay" to proceed. If you are giving the thumbs down, then it means disapproval.

To dream that you have no thumbs denotes poverty and loneliness.

To dream that you have an abnormally large thumb signifies a rapid rise to success.

To dream that your thumb has a very long nail signifies that some negative force is luring you toward some illicit activity.

Thumb Wrestling
To dream that you are thumb wrestling suggests that you are trying to assert your power in a non-threatening manner.

If someone gives you the thumbs up your dream implies that things will start looking up soon. If you see thumbs it suggests that you might need to get a grip on your life. We need our thumbs to pick up and operate things important things in our life; known to be cut, damaged, or bleeding shows a loss of power in your life.

To see a thumbtack in your dream symbolizes issues or responsibilities at work. You may be taking on too many responsibilities. Alternatively, the dream refers to something that you need to remember.

To hear thunder in your dream signifies a violent eruption of anger and aggression. Alternatively, thunder is an indication that you need to pay attention and learn some important life lesson.

To see a thunderbird in your dream suggests that you cannot go against what is natural. Sometimes you have to go with the flow instead of fighting it. Alternatively, the dream signifies changes and transformation.

To dream that it is Thursday means that you need to listen up. There is a situation that needs your full attention.

To see thyme in your dream indicates that you need to muster up more courage. It may also be a pun on "time". Perhaps you feel that time is running out for you or that there is some deadline that you need to be mindful of.

To dream about your thyroid represents your overall well-being. It relates to concerns about your health.

If you dream that you have an enlarged thyroid, then it suggests that you are feeling nervous or excited about something. Alternatively, an enlarged thyroid may be a way for your subconscious to draw attention to some communication issue that you are experiencing.

To see or wear a tiara in your dream symbolizes feminine power and mystique. You know how to use your femininity to get your way.

Tic Tac Toe
To dream that you are playing tic tac toe represents your strategy for success. You need to line up your plan in order to achieve success. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes X's and O's or hugs and kisses.

To see a ticket in your dream represents the price you need to pay to attain your goals. You have decided on your path in life. A ticket signifies the start of a new endeavor. Consider also the type of ticket. A bus or train ticket symbolizes the price you pay to get ahead in life, while a movie ticket represents your need to be more objective in a situation.

To dream that you lose a ticket denotes confusion and ambiguity in the direction of your life.

To dream that you are being tickled indicates a need for humor and laughter in your life. You are taking things too seriously. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for someone that "tickles" your fancy. meanings by DreamMoods.com

To see or be bitten by a tick in your dream indicates that something or someone is slowly draining the energy and strength out of you. A relationship, your job, or a situation is sucking the life and energy out of you. Ask yourself what in your life is causing you much exhaustion. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on being "ticked off" and thus represent your feelings of being annoyed or irritated.

Tidal Wave
They say water represents our emotions then a tidal wave is something that you should really pay attention to. A tidal wave might be a build up of emotions that is ready to take you down and everybody with you. On the flip side a tidal wave destroy the old and now it might be time to start fresh and build the new.

To see or hear the tides in your dream represents a need for emotional and spiritual cleansing. Low tides indicate that you energies are being drained, whereas high tides symbolize high energy. Alternatively, the tides symbolize your emotional ups and downs.

To see or wear a tie in your dream represents your obligations and relational bonds. The dream may also be a pun on feeling tied down to a situation or relationship. If the tie is loose fitting around your neck, then it suggests that you have some unfinished business to tend to. If the tie is too tight-fitting, then it denotes that you feel trapped or suffocated in a situation or condition.

To dream that you are tying something represents your network and connection to others. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor of your family ties.

Tie Dye
To see or wear a tie dye in your dream suggests that you are feeling upbeat and groovy. You are in a happy mood. It is also symbolic of free love. Perhaps the dream is welcoming a new relationship. You need to open up yourself to love.

Tigers in dreams connect the dreamer to proud, strong and brave emotions that have emerged in their lives. A tigers powerful feminine energy can reside both in males and females; an apex predator must be handled with caution. The tiger belongs to the unconscious meaning that these unconscious feminine traits, urges instincts or behaviors must be understood or else the tiger will turn on the dreamer. The dreamer must communicate and understand this powerful force within them to channel this energy in the outside world.

Tiger's Eye
To see or wear tiger's eye in your dream signifies insight and meditative thought. You are looking for clarity in some situation.

To dream that you are walking on a tightrope indicates that you are in a very precarious situation. You need to proceed carefully and weigh all the pros and cons of some important decision.

To dream that you are wearing tights suggest that you are feeling at ease in exposing aspects of your Self.

To see a Tiki in your dream symbolizes spirituality and vitality. You are reflecting on your life experiences and relationships. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are acting too stiff.

To see tiles in your dreams indicate that you are too rigid in your thinking. Alternatively, it suggests that your life is monotonous or repetitive. You need some excitement.

To dream that you are laying tile or tiling something indicates that you need to remodel and change an aspect of yourself. If you are working on home improvement projects, then the dream may be a literal depiction of your ongoing projects.

To dream that you are tilling the ground suggests that you need to work on cultivating and recognizing new opportunities.


To see timber in your dream symbolizes prosperity, strength, durability and creativity. Alternatively, it refers to making a fresh start for yourself.

Depending the time shown it will contain a hidden message relating to the past, present and future moment, decoded by using numerology. However it can be seen as a symbol of passing time in your life, or wasting time regarding a particular situation.

Time Capsule
To see or put something in a time capsule suggests that some current knowledge or information will help you or someone in the future. What you learn today will be beneficial for you in the future.

To dream that you are digging up a time capsule refers to the exploration of your subconscious. You are literally unearthing some deep content.

Time Loop
What is known as a time loop or a false awakening is a dream within a dream that keeps repeating. The dreamer stuck in a groundhog state of waking up and starting over at least 10 or more times during sleep. At times the individual can perform actions unknowingly.

Time Travel
A possible need to go back in time to fix old mistakes or the dreamer goes back in time to heal past mistakes. Going to the future brings your attention to what outcome you may want ahead of time.

To see or use a timer in your dream means that you are under a time crunch. Perhaps you are under the pressure of some deadline.

To see tin in your dream represents mental and intellectual expansion. You are broadening your mind and opening yourself to new experiences. Alternatively, tin symbolizes your adaptability to your surroundings.

To feel a tingling sensation in your dream may actually be your arm or leg losing blood flow. Perhaps your arm or leg is positioned in a certain way where it is losing circulation. Sometimes your actual bodily sensations or discomfort may incorporate themselves into your dream, as well as noises in your surrounding.

To see Tinkerbell in your dream is a sign that you need to be more open about your emotions and express how you really feel.

To see tinsel in your dream indicates festivities, togetherness and joy. Alternatively, the dream represents glitz, glamour and fame. You have lofty aspirations and idealistic goals.

To dream that you are tipsy signifies your carefree nature and jovial disposition. Alternatively, the dream suggests that your inhibitions are hindering your creativity. You need to let loose.

To see someone tipsy in your dream denotes that you need to be careful with who you associate yourself with. Their actions may reflect on your own character.

To dream that you are tiptoeing highlights your grace and poise in a situation or circumstance. You have a careful understanding of the smaller and minor details in your life. Alternatively, the dream indicates your reservation and hesitance in pursuing toward some path.

To dream that you are tired suggests that you are feeling emotionally drained and stressed. Dreams about being tired usually reflect how you really feel in your waking state.

Tires are synonymous connecting with images that move us to our next destination or path in life. This is why they always appear in our dream in a negative manner when your movement will be stopped – punctured, lost, stolen, flat or even smashed, a symbol of personal setbacks. If someone is stealing your tires in your dream it relates to other people stopping your movement for you to stay put. Tires on fire connect with speed or repressed anger as you are trying to reach your next destination. To dream of new or pumping air in the tires is a good omen reflecting your progress ahead. If your wheels are falling off it suggest a lack of attention to the important details in your life. Something was not checked and will stop your advancement.

To see or use tissue in your dream indicates that it is time to let go of the past and move on. You need to confront your current problems in order to progress forward.

These dreams can alter depending how you see the titanic in your life. This was a ship that was destroyed by an iceberg in the middle of the ocean. In dream terms this might be related to the emotional unconscious. What is below might scare you.

To see titans in your dreams indicate that you have the power to make things happen. Be in control of your own destiny.

Similar to the frog, toads can mean transformation in your life. Think about how toads are born from a tadpole. So a toad could mean a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. They imply adaptability and regeneration. Their strong bond with water and ground makes them close to Mother Earth and emotions.

To see a toad in your dream suggests that you are trying to hide your true Self. You need to let the beauty from within shine through.

To kill a toad in your dream signifies that you will be criticized for your decision.

To see or eat toast in your dream signifies your appreciation for the simple things in life. If the toast is burnt, then it suggests that your passion may consume you.

To make a toast in your dream suggests that you need to look at the brighter side of things. Consider what you are toasting to. The dream may be a pun for something that is toast or done. Or it may mean being toasted or intoxicated.

To see a toaster in your dream suggests that you are quick witted and quick-thinking. It refers to your continuous flow of ideas.

To dream that you are smoking tobacco and you do not smoke in waking life suggests that you are trying to escape life's problems. You may be trying to rebel against something. If you are a smoker, then tobacco represents your need for comfort and calm.

To dream that tobacco is stuck in your teeth or mouth implies you are holding back some negative feelings or comments.

To hear a tocsin being sounded in your dream indicates that you will win over an argument.

To dream that you are a toddler implies that you are developing a new sense of Self. You are exploring a new environment and testing your boundaries.

To see a toddy in your dream signifies that a recent turn of events will soon change your way of life.

To dream that you are painting your toenails refers to your confidence in your pursuits and where you are headed in life. Alternatively, the dream means that you care about how you present yourself to others. In other words, you tend to worry about what people think of you.

To dream that your toenail falls off suggests that you are overlooking a small but important issue.

To dream that you are trimming your toenails means that you are reevaluating your path in life.

If you dream that your toenails are dark and discolored, then it indicates regret in some decision you made or in some action that you took.

To dream that your toe nails are growing symbolize an extension of your understanding in a particular matter. If your toenails are extremely long, then it suggests that you are reluctant to move forward in some endeavor.

If you dream of trimming or cutting someone else's toenails, then it indicates that you are trying to be on your best behavior around this person. You do not want to offend this person or overstep your boundaries.

Dreaming that someone is cleaning your toenails suggests that this person is indebted to you in some way.

Symbols of motivation and hard work. Cutting your toenails suggest a need to get rid of the old that doesn’t serve a purpose in your life.

Toes help connect the dreamer to balance and confidence in their lives. More than likely you will dream of a broken, bleeding, black, missing or damaged toe to metaphorically indicate your inner structure is off and needs proper grounding. If you notice your toes are black in your dream it shows a restriction and neglect to progress forward. A positive dream will imply you have an extra two meaning you are completely balanced to proceed to the next stage.

To see or eat tofu in your dream presents your versatility and adaptability to almost any situation. More directly, dreaming of tofu suggests that you need to start adapting a more healthier lifestyle.


To see or wear a toga in your dream signifies serenity, peace, love and fate.

Toga Party
To dream that you are at a toga party represents your overindulgences and excesses. You are celebrating your sensuality.

If you are on the toilet suggest that you are in desperate need to release something that has been building up in you for a while now. It’s is also possible that you are going to let go of something that you no longer need you your life right now. This might be linked to your root chakra a possible for grounding or a release of pent up negative energy.

Toilet Paper
To see or use a roll of toilet paper in your dream represents the aftermath of some emotional release. You are ready to heal from your emotional outburst. If you dream of black colored toilet paper, then it means that you are in denial about some of your true feelings.

To dream that your house has been toilet papered suggests that your personal space has been violated. You feel victimized emotionally. If you are toilet papering someone else's house, then it indicates that what may be seemingly harmless can have serious repercussions.

Toilet Seat
To dream that the toilet seat is broken or missing suggests that you are emotionally distant.

To dream that the toilet seat is up implies that you are opening up your emotions to others.

To dream that the toilet seat is down indicates that you are guarded when it comes to expressing your emotions.

Toilet Seat Cover
To see or use a toilet seat cover in your dream means that you are not ready to address your emotions directly. Something or someone is still preventing you from fully letting go of your feelings.

To see or use a token in your dream symbolizes your limited resources. Consider what the token is used for and what access it gives you.

Toll Booth
To dream that you see or pass a toll booth refers to a sense of entitlement that you have over some area of your life. If you pay the toll, then it signifies your appreciation for the things you have and the things you have access to. If you drive pass the toll booth without paying, then it indicates defiance.

Toll Road
To dream that you are on a toll road signifies the price you have to pay in order to get ahead in life. There is no such thing as a free ride.

Tom Cruise
To dream about Tom Cruise suggests that you have gone off the deep end in some aspect of your life. You are not thinking clearly about your actions. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on how you are "cruising" along through some situation in your life. If you dream of a Tom Cruise movie, then consider the title or plot of the movie and how it parallels your waking situation.

The color that is associated with tomato’s “red” attaches itself to passion, love, blood and desires that will soon unfold. A positive symbol of abundance (seeds) or fertility – plucking, harvesting, grinding or buying suggests that this process has now begun. It may also apply to tomato sauce, juice, seeds and soup as you have now absorbed this energy in your mind and body.

To dream of a tomato symbolizes contentment, victory and winning. The color red is synonymous with passion and also anger, but can also be a symbol of blood life and fertility.

To dream of a tomb is a very symbolic representation of an awakening that resides within the unconsciousness of the dreamer. Considered an emblem of rebirth, the dreamer will find what has been hidden away within.

Often times you might see your name on a tombstone. This does not mean you are going to die, but you are undergoing a transformation. Tombstones represent change or reflecting on past events, ideas or experiences that are now buried.

To see or use a pair of tongs in your dream suggest that you need to keep your distance from some matter or situation. It is time to mind your own business.

Tongue dreams often imply our communication and our expressions. People who might harbor feelings of insecurities or have trouble expressing their emotions might have a dream about pulling out their tongue. When the tongue emerges in our dreams it usually comes across in a negative manner hoping you will pay attention to this repressed problem or watching what you say to others. Once you correct this issue your dream might reflect cleaning it.

Tongue Depressor
To see or use a tongue depressor in your dream suggests that you are not expressing yourself effectively. You are holding back on what you really want to say.

To see your tonsils in your dream suggest that you are ready to share an aspect of yourself.

Tool Belt
To see or wear a tool belt in your dream implies that you need to rethink the choices that you are making in you life. Perhaps you are headed in the wrong direction. Alternatively, the dream represents your high level of confidence. You want everybody to know about your talents and skills. You may even be a little too boastful or arrogant. Also consider the significance of the types of tools in the tool belt.

To see or carry a toolbox in your dream refers to a situation that is in need of repair or attention.


To see or use tools in your dream represent your self-expression, skills and abilities. You are using the resources that are available to you. It is also a symbol of masculinity. Perhaps you need to create and move toward a different direction. Alternatively, to see tools in your dream suggest that a situation or relationship is in need of some damage control or attention. According to the Freudian school of thought, tools are symbolic of the penis and thus tools being used refer to intercourse.

The tool in your dream may also be a pun on how you are acting like a tool or that someone who is a tool. The dream may also be telling you that you are being taken advantaged of or that you are blindly following others.

Tooth Fairy
To see a tooth fairy in your dream indicates that you will be rewarded or recognized for your current hardships and difficulties.

A metaphor for cleaning up our speech and communication. These dream bring your awareness that you will be successful in this manner.

To dream that you are toothless signifies your inability to reach your goals and advance toward your interests. Bad news and ill health will prevent you from achieving your desires.

To dream that someone is toothless indicates that your rivals are attempting to bring down your good name.

To see or use a toothpaste in your dream suggests that you need to clean your mouth. Perhaps you have been saying mean or nasty things about others. More directly, the dream may very well be telling you that you need to take better care of your teeth. You are expressing concerns about your appearance.

To see a toothpick in your dream suggests that you are too picky. Perhaps you are dwelling too much on minor flaws, faults, and other small issues.

To dream that you are using a toothpick indicates that you are unable to verbalize some emotion or feeling. Your words are stuck in your mouth.

To see or spin a top in your dream represents idleness. You are not going anywhere in life and are wasting your time away on frivolous pleasures.

To dream that you are on top signifies your goals, aspirations and ideals. You are seeking higher understanding and knowledge.

Top Hat
To see or wear a top hat in your dream signifies male elegance, formality and/or a flamboyant flair. You are trying to connect to the elegance of the past. Alternatively, a top hat refers to your aspirations for wealth and status.

To see a topaz in your dream signifies calmness, warmth and relaxation. You need to restore balance in your life. Alternatively, topaz symbolizes faithfulness, friendship and forgiveness.

To see or shape a topiary in your dream means that you are forcing your opinion or ideas on others. Dreaming of people-shaped topiaries highlights your influence and power over others. If you dream of animal-shaped topiaries, then it points to your control over your subconscious desires. However if your dream that the topiary is moving and has a life of its own, then it indicates that you are losing your influence.

To dream that you are topless signifies your way of showing and exhibiting love. You may be inviting love toward your direction.

To see or wear a toque in your dream refers to your confidence in your abilities. You are in control of your emotions.

To see a torch in your dream represents self confidence, ability to succeed, enlightenment and spiritual confidence.

To dream that you are carrying a lit torch symbolizes love. The dream may be a metaphor that you are carrying a torch for someone or that you have some sort of crush on them. Alternatively, the dream denotes your struggles and desires to break free.

A tornado is synonymous for being a force we cannot control that has the ability to wreck havoc in its path. These dream could be warnings of people or life situation that might disrupt your house (mind psyche). It is connected water which might bring your awareness to the emotional aspect of the dreamer.

To see a torpedo in your dream suggests that you need to be more direct and honest with your feelings. Or on the other hand, you may be too direct and blunt. The torpedo also has phallic connotations and signify masculine aggression or power.

To see a torrent in your dream signifies unexpected trouble. You are going through some major emotional turmoil. meanings by DreamMoods.com

To notice yours or someone else's torso in your dream is an emphasis on your feeling. It also symbolizes pride and confidence.

To see or eat a tortilla in your dream represents wholeness.

See turtle

If you are being tortured in your dream suggests that you are feeling helpless in a situation in your life where you don’t think you can get out of. Sometimes if we are being tortured we might be feeling guilty about what you did and think you might need some punishment. If you are the one who is doing the torturing implies that you have a lot of anger built up. You might want to think about who you where punishing and for what reason.

Totem Pole
To see a totem pole in your dream represents your need to feel protected. It is symbolic of strength and power. Alternatively, a totem pole symbolizes respect and familial solidarity.

To see a toucan in your dream denotes paradise, relaxation and ease. This dream symbol may also appear as a pun on "two can". In other words, two can do it. It is about a partnership, collaboration or teamwork. You cannot do everything yourself, but two can do it.

To touch anything in our dreams represents relationships, feelings and emotions expressed between two forces. In most cases what you touch is metaphorically symbolic relating to your life. If you are touching someone’s face in your dream implies deep emotions how you feel about them. Touching someone’s hands shows admiration about their set of skills or creative talents you might want to adopt within yourself. To dream about touching someone’s feet suggest sensitivity, movement and standing on your own. If you are touching the clouds is a positive symbol of higher awareness. If you are touching poop or baby poop reflects negative thoughts patterns or behaviors that should be disregarded.

To see or use a touchscreen in your dream implies that you need to take a more active or more hands-on approach in order to move forward in some endeavor.

*Please see Hairpiece.

To dream that you are on a travel tour indicates that you are ready to explore hidden and unknown aspects of yourself. You are welcoming any new changes that occur.

To dream that you are a concert tour represents your aspirations for fame. Having to be in a different city every other day may mean that you are feeling uprooted. You are lacking a sense of belonging.

To see a tourist in your dream indicates how you are in a position to provide help to others.

To dream that you are a tourist suggests that you are unsure of your surroundings and environment. Perhaps you are feeling a little lost in the world. Alternatively, it indicates that you are ready to explore hidden and unknown aspects of yourself. You are welcoming the changes that are occurring.

To see or wear tourmaline in your dream symbolizes healing, potential, and purity. It represents your higher Self. Consider the color of the tourmaline for additional significance.

To dream that you are using a tourniquet indicates that you are feeling drained. You need to concentrate your energy on your strengths and not your weaknesses.

To dream that you are towing a vehicle or heavy object suggests that you are overworked and overburdened. You feel that others are not pulling their own weight at work, at home, or in a personal relationship. You also feel that you are giving more than you are receiving.

Tow Truck
These dreams bring your awareness to inconveniences in your life path. Your car is symbolic to your drive or path in life and if you car gets towed you will experience a minor set back.

To see or use a towel in your dream suggests that you need to deal with your emotions in order to move forward in your life. You need to find some sort of a resolution. Alternatively, it represents completion, a fresh start and new transition.

To see a tower in your dream signifies high hopes and aspirations. If you are looking down from a tower, then it indicates that you have a perceived superiority over others. Your ego is inflated. Alternatively, a tower symbolizes the phallus.

To see a water tower in your dream suggests that you are keeping your emotions inside. You may be unable to express your true feelings, especially feelings of love. Alternatively, a water tower indicates a false sense of security.

To dream that you are climbing a tower denotes your quest for spirituality and subconscious ideas that may be surfacing.

To dream that a tower is falling or crumbling heralds a drastic change ahead.

Tower Crane
To see a tower crane in your dream represents your ability to balance your goals and your family life. You will achieve great success.

To see a busy town in your dream signifies warmth and compassion. You are sociable and get along with others.

To see an abandoned or empty town in your dream suggests that you are feeling rejected by society. You may be isolating yourself from others.

* Please See Poison.

Toy Box
To see a toy box in your dream indicates that you are putting your childish ways behind you. Alternatively, the dream represents your need to sort out unresolved issues from your childhood.

To see or play with toys in your dream symbolize childhood, domestic joy and harmony. You may be searching for the comfort and security of home. It also represents playful attitudes and your childish ways. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are "toying" with somebody's feelings, especially if you are playing together with someone in the dream. Perhaps you are leading someone on.

To dream that you are giving away toys denote that you are being acknowledged for your good deeds.

To see or play with broken toys in your dream suggest that you are trying to make the best out of a negative situation. If you or someone breaks a toy, then it indicates a lack of joy, harmony, or security in your life. You are no longer deriving as much joy from some aspect of your life as you used to. Consider the type of toy and its significance to you.

To see or dream that you have a tracheotomy implies that you are looking for an outlet to relieve some of your pent up tension and anxiety.

To dream that you are tracking something or someone suggests that you need to get in touch with some aspect of yourself. The dream may be a pun for some goal, person, or ideal which you have lost track of.

To dream that you are being tracked indicates that you need to be more careful and stand up for yourself. You need to be on guard and on the defensive.

To dream that you are running around a track implies that you are going in circles. You feel that your life is headed no where. It is time to reevaluate your goals.

*Please see also Racetrack.

To see or ride a tractor in your dream represents your resourcefulness and ingenuity. You set your sights on something and you go for it.

To dream that you are trading symbolizes an exchange of ideas.

To dream that you are in traffic signifies the frustrations that you are experiencing in your life. Things are not going as smoothly as you would like it to. You feel stuck at where you are in life.

To see traffic in your dream indicates the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes you feel like you are just going with the flow. Things have become too routine.

To dream that you are directing traffic implies that you have power and control over the path or destinations of others. The dream may be highlighting your anxieties about exercising that control.

Traffic Cone
To see traffic cones in your dream suggest that you need to slow down. You may be experiencing some delays or setbacks toward your goals. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you need to take a different approach.

Traffic Light
To see a traffic light in your dream suggests that you feel you are being held back from pursuing your goals. Your forward progress is being controlled by someone or by some outside forces. In other words, you are not in control of your own life. Alternatively, the dream represents the pressure to succeed or else be left behind. If the traffic light is green, then it indicates that you have been given a seal of approval to follow whatever path you have chosen or whatever decision you have made.

To dream of a tragedy indicates that you are experiencing some form of grief or remorse. It is also symbolic of regret.

To dream that you are on a trail signifies your progress in life. Consider the difficulty and condition of the trail. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are "trailing behind" on some task, some competition or some endeavor.

To see a trailer in your dream suggests that you are feeling overburdened. You are carrying more weight on your shoulders than you need to. The dream may also indicate that you are more of a follower than a leader.

In particular, dreaming of a horse trailer means that you are underutilizing your power and strength. You may be waiting for the right moment to exert your power.


Trailer Home
To dream that you live in a trailer home suggests that you are feeling insignificant and undervalued. On the other hand, it may mean that you have a flexible self-image. You are able to adapt to any situation or circumstance.

Trains are very interesting dream symbols that represent advancement on your life’s journey. This would be from one stage of your life to a next destination. What takes place before, during and after are all indications of what obstacles you maybe faced with. An underground train is synonymous with the unconscious part of the dreamer. You may be on the right track for opportunists to come in the near future. Getting on the wrong train could be doing things that you don’t want to do, don’t find valuable, not where you want to end up. Staying around a train station might be indecisiveness about moving to the next stage. Train being derailed suggests failure on the next venture.

Train Station
To dream that you at a train station represents a transitional period in your life. You need to take a short break to reassess your situation and determine your path and goals.

Train Tracks
* Please See Railroad.

To see or dream that you have a personal trainer suggests that you need to push yourself to do better in all that you do. Do not take the easy way out. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are seeking guidance and help in improving your self image.

To see or dream that you are a dog trainer indicates that you need to keep your negative behavior in check. You need to show more restraint.

To dream that you are training for something suggests that you are lacking self-confidence and are having anxieties about your ability. The dream may also reflect a desire to change your status or position in life.

To dream that you are or accused of being a traitor signifies self guilt. Something is eating you up inside. You may have done something that you are not proud of.

To see a traitor in your dream suggests that you are feeling let down. Someone has disappointed you or let you down in some way.

To see a tram in your dream suggests that you need to be more disciplined in certain aspects of your life.

To dream that you are a tramp indicates that you are not owning up to your responsibilities. You are lacking the initiative to do something with your life. Perhaps you are trying to escape from life's responsibilities and burdens or you just want to be free of any worries. Alternatively, the dream represents low self esteem and a poor self-image. You have not realized or recognized your full potential. The dream may also be a pun on some woman who is behaving or acting like a tramp.

To offer help or assistance to a tramp suggests that you are ready to accept life's responsibilities.

To dream that you are jumping on a trampoline represents your resilience and your ability to bounce back from difficult and emotional situations.

To see a trampoline in your dream symbolizes the ups and downs of life.

To dream that you are in a trance suggests that you need to look within yourself in order to acknowledge a higher insight. Explore your emotions and open yourself up to others. Alternatively, the dream indicates a lack of concentration. You are zoning out and can not see something that may be obviously wrong.

To take a tranquilizer in your dream implies that you are avoiding some issue, responsibility or situation that is causing you emotional distress. You need to confront the issue and stop relying on outside help. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor and your ability to calm others down.

To dream of transfiguration represents an elevated sense of awareness or sudden clarity. The dream highlights a strong sense of spirituality and divinity. Pay special attention to the details of the dream.

Your unconscious mind is letting you know that you will be on a new level spiritually and you will experience new beginnings. What was transforming in your dream? Was the process good or bad? This would help you understand how you might deal with the new change of birth.

To dream that you have a blood transfusion indicates that you need to be revitalized and reenergized. You may be lacking inspiration and need some new motivation in life.

To dream that you are translating something refers to your ability to get others to agree with your ideas or beliefs.

To have something translated for you in your dream suggests that there is an issue or problem that you are having difficulties understanding. The dream may be telling you to seek help from others.

To dream that you are repairing a transmission suggests that you need to better pace yourself and learn to adjust to your surroundings and situations. Perhaps you are going too fast or not keeping up.

Transmission Tower
To see a transmission tower in your dream symbolizes a distribution of power. You do not need to always be in full control. You need to delegate responsibilities and duties. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes industry and modernity.

To dream that something is transparent indicates feelings of vulnerability. You are able to see things and see through people and their motives. Thus the dream may be symbolic of your actions and your true intentions. Alternatively, if something is transparent, then it represents clarity and understanding.

If you are worried about getting a transplant then you are entitled to having a dream of this nature. If you don’t then it suggests that you might need to replace something internally within you. What was being transplanted?

To dream that you are transsexual symbolizes your anxieties or ambivalence about masculine/feminine roles or passive/aggressive behavior. You may be reluctant in dealing with these issues. If you are considering or awaiting transsexual surgery, then the dream may represent your anxieties and fears about the surgery, recovery, and life after surgery.

To see a transsexual in your dream indicates that the feminine and masculine aspects of your Self have been damaged. You may be unwilling to confront your shadow self. meanings by DreamMoods.com

*Please See Cross Dressing

To dream that you are setting a trap indicates that you are trying desperately to hold onto a relationship, to some old habits or to your former ways. Alternatively, the dream signifies your readiness to take action.

To dream that you are trapped or caught in a trap suggests that you are feeling confined and restricted in your job, career, health, or a personal relationship. You may be in a rut and are tired of the same daily monotony.

To find or see a trapdoor in your dream represents unexpected opportunities that will come your way. Don't be afraid to explore those opportunities. Alternatively, a trapdoor symbolizes discovery of something that you have repressed or stored in the subconscious.

To see a trapeze act in your dream signifies a carefree attitude toward life. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and take some time out to relax. Alternatively, the dream represents your high aspirations and ideals.

To dream that you are swinging on a trapeze indicates a desire or wish for sexual variety and adventure. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes indecisiveness. You are going back and forth on some choice.

To see a trapezoid in your dream signifies limitations or restraints.

If you are drawing a trapezoid shape in your dream means that you are unable to fully express your opinion about something. You are censoring yourself or holding back.

If you are trapped in your dream it means that something in your life is blocking you from moving forward. These dreams are metaphoric to what you might be stuck or trapped in your life. They are synonymous for an emotional or phyical struggle.

Often times these dreams represent the removal of mental clutter, or relates to going back to pick up what you discarded as less importance. The the trash itself represents the information that needs to be processed in your life. If you are dreaming of throwing things away it is a positive symbol for discarded things you no longer need in life.

Trash Can
*Please see Garbage Can.

Trash Compactor
To see or use a trash compactor suggest that you are in denial about some issue or problem. Alternatively, the dream means that you are looking at your problems from a different perspective. You are trying to look at things in a more acceptable or presentable way.

Travelling is a positive dream symbol that is encouraging exploring new places. Depending the country and location it reflects how you will adjust and navigate during this new transition in your life.

Traveling back in time
This refers to your desire to change things to go back and live that one moment one more time. Often we either have a moment in history we’d like to change, or a moment we’d like to live AGAIN and this sort of dream reflects that.

To see a tray in your dream indicates your senseless spending. You need to be more thrifty. Alternatively, a tray suggests that you are in support of some cause or group. You are supporting someone in an emotional or financial way.

To dream that food is served to you on a tray represents your need to be nurtured and cared for.

To drop a tray in your dream indicates disappointments. You are letting someone down.

To dream that you are on a treadmill indicates that you are stuck in the same old routine. You are not going anywhere despite your hard work and efforts. It is time to break free from the monotony.

To dream that you commit treason indicates conflict between yourself and the society you live in. You are going against what is acceptable.

If the dreamer stumbles upon money, gold, jewelry it becomes a positive omen reflecting their mental state of mind. Something has been found within that is extremely valuable that can be used in exchange for something. A symbol that connects to psychological, mental and spiritual nourishment.

Treasure Chest
This is a great symbol that suggest that you have hidden talent deep inside you. If the chest was lost at sea or in the desert can help you understand the message. Once this is auspicious symbol is found its just a matter of time before you will see the benefits in your life. Many people believe that money equals energy in dreams.

To dream that you find treasures indicate that you have unveiled some hidden skill or talent. It also symbolizes your self worth and what you have to offer to the world. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something or someone that your value or "treasure".

To dream that you are burying treasure suggests that you are thinking ahead to the future. Perhaps there is some talent or skill that you want to keep secret from others.

Tree House
To see or dream that you are in a tree house indicates that you are trying to escape from your waking problems. You are blocking off the harsh reality of daily life.

To dream that you are building a tree house suggests that you are working hard to realize your hopes and goals. The dream is about self-development and maximizing your own potential.

Tree Of Life
To see the Tree of Life in your dream represents your connection to all living kind. The dream is a reminder that you are not alone in the world. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you are feeling insignificant in some relationship or scenario.

This universal archetypal symbol that can be seen in many different cultures around the world. Trees can be seen as symbols of physical, spiritual transformation, and fertility. A powerful symbol reflecting both life and growth of the dreamer. If you dream of the tree trunk it becomes a positive symbol of protection and grounding in your life. To dream of an uprooted tree implies to the dreamer that they are lacking grounding, family values, and spiritual balance in their lives. If you are cutting a tree it suggests you are removing or cutting down aspects of your own inner growth and development. Tree stumps emerge in our dream when progress has been stopped. To dream of a tree on fire represents renewal and transformation in your life.

To see a plant trellis in your dream symbolizes your support system.

To see trenches in your dream indicate that you are putting up some form of defense. You are being defensive about something and are drawing a line where you do not want others to cross. Figure out what you are trying to hide.

To dream that you are trespassing suggests that you are forcing your beliefs on others. You are also being overly attentive or overly possessive, especially in a relationship. You need to give someone their breathing room.

To dream that you are on trial indicates that you need to be more accepting of yourself and less judgmental of others. You may be too harsh on yourself or of others. Alternatively, a trial suggests that you are feeling guilty about something in your waking life.

To see a triangle in your dream symbolizes your aspirations, potential and truth. It represents your spirituality: the body, mind, and spirit. If the triangle is pointing upward, then it signifies the masculine while a downward pointing triangle signifies the feminine. Alternatively, seeing a triangle serves as some sort of warning or caution, especially if the triangle is yellow. The dream may also be a metaphor for a love triangle in your waking life.

To see a tribe in your dream suggests that you are being confronted by some unknown people, situation or idea which you are afraid of. You are not sure about how to approach the issue. If you join the tribe in the dream, then it indicates that you are experiencing doubts about going along with a certain decision.

To play a trick on someone in your dream indicates that you are not being honest with yourself. You are trying to divert attention elsewhere, other than yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for "turning tricks."

To dream that you have been tricked suggests that your plans are about to backfire.

Trick or Treating
To dream that you are trick or treating represents the rewards you get when you set your mind to pursue your goals. The dream is also telling you that you need to learn to verbalize your desires in order for others to know what you want.

To dream that trick or treaters are knocking on your door denotes your desire to share your indulgences with others.

To see a trickster in your dream signifies deceit. Alternatively, the trickster symbolizes the cruel and cynical side of your own character. The trickster may appear in your dream to create havoc in your life. Or it is trying to break the monotony of your daily life.

To see a tricycle in your dream symbolizes simplicity and a carefree nature. You are experiencing an alleviation from tension and stress.

To see or use a trident in your dream symbolizes the God of the Sea. Because of the relation to the sea, it relates to some emotional issue. Also consider the symbolism of water and the ocean. Alternatively, a trident is indicative of your creative energy and sensitivity.

To see or eat a trifle in your dream symbolizes the various layers and multiple dimensions that make up your life. Perhaps the dream is a reminder that there are many depths to your personality. Or that you need some more pizzazz to your life.

To dream that you are trimming something represents growth. You need to get rid and cut away at your old habits and former ways in order to progress forward. Get rid of what you no longer need.

Dreaming about a trinket suggests that you are holding onto something or someone that you should let go. In particular, if the trinket is made of glass, then it indicates that you are too concerned with trivial matters. You are dwelling on little details and need to look at the large overall picture. Also consider any personal significance, shape or purpose of the trinket.

To dream that you trip on something indicates that something is out of order in your life. Things are not going as smoothly as you want, especially when you are faced with obstacles. The dream may forewarn that you are about to make a mistake in some waking decision.

To dream that you are going on a trip suggests that you are in need of a change of scenery. You are feeling overworked and need to take time out for yourself for some fun and relaxation. Alternatively, the dream means that you are looking to explore a different aspect of yourself.

To dream that you are on a business trip suggests that you are having a difficult time trying to relax and being at ease. You may be feeling overwhelmed.

To dream that you are eating tripe foretells that you will experience disappointments in some important matter.

Something new coming in threes in your life. Triplets commonly emerge when you are under going a personal transformation. These special events might be unconscious to the dreamer but is happening behind the scenes.

To see a tripod in your dream represents stability and swiftness.

To see a triquetra in your dream refers to a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc. It may also hold some spiritual significance for you and thus represents the father, son and holy spirit. Alternatively, a triquetra symbolizes divine power, longevity, eternal love, protection and/or unity. It is a very positive dream symbol.

To see a troll in your dream suggests that you have an inferior self-image about yourself. You are belittling yourself or others. The troll in your dream may also represent someone in your waking life who you need to avoid.

*Please See Also Dwarf.

To see or ride a trolley in your dream indicates that you are open-minded about the new journey or phase in your life. You are taking little steps toward your goals and pacing yourself.

To see or play a trombone in your dream represents success in love.

To see a trophy in your dream symbolizes recognition for your hard work. The dream may be trying to motivate you.

To dream about a tropical place signifies growth, creative energy and positive change. It also indicates a desire to escape from your daily problems.

To dream that you are getting in trouble is a reflection of guilt that you are feeling. You are not being completely honest about something and fear being exposed.

To see or drink from a trough in your dream represents some emotional or sexual issue that must be confronted.

To see trousers in your dream signify temptation or sexual allure. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are questioning your role in some situation.

To dream that you put on your trousers the wrong way signify your gravitation for oddness and peculiarity.

To see a trout in your dream symbolizes increase prosperity and fortune.

To dream that you are eating trout signifies your cheerful attitude towards life.

To dream that you catch a trout represents joy and pleasure. If it falls back into the water, then your happiness will be short-lived.

To dream that a trout swallowed your lip balm implies that you are trying to take back something you said.

To see a trowel in your dream refers to the spreading of kindness and affection.

To see a truck in your dream suggests that you are overworked. You are taking on too many tasks and are weighed down by all the responsibilities. Pregnant women often dream of trucks or driving trucks. This may be a metaphor of the load they are carrying or an expression of their changing bodies.

To see a truck crash in your dream implies that you are feeling overloaded and are in danger or burring yourself out if you don't slow down.

Truck Stop
To dream that you are at a truck stop suggests that you need to reenergize and recharge yourself. You need to take some time off to rest.

To eat a truffle in your dream suggests that you need to allow yourself to be a little self-indulgent sometimes. You deserve it!

Truffles that appear in our dreams are positive symbols that represents wealth, luck and prosperity that will soon enter your life.

To see or hear a trumpet in your dream signifies some sort of warning or danger that you have found yourself in. It may be a way for your subconscious to get your attention.

To see a trunk in your dream represents old memories, ideals, hopes, and old emotions. It indicates issues and feelings that you have not dealt with.

To see the trunk of a car in your dream signifies the things that you are carrying around with you.

To see the trunk of a tree in your dream signifies your personality, your character, and your inner sense of well being. It is symbolic of your backbone and the things that hold you up. If the trunk is thick and large, then it denotes that you are a strong, rugged and durable person. If the trunk is thin and narrow, then it suggests that you are a highly sensitive person.

To dream about trust symbolizes self-acceptance. You need to work on integrating aspects of yourself.

Truth Or Dare
To dream that you are playing truth or dare indicates that you need to hold true to your words and do what you say you are going to do.

To dream that you have to tell the truth, then it means that you need to come clean about something that has been nagging on your mind. You need to release some guilt or clear your conscious.

In most cases in dreams “trying” emerges to reflect energy and time pertaining to a difficult situation in your life. Usually this will be mirrored as trying to reach someone but you cant – an inability to help this person in need. If you are trying to save someone it often mirrors unconscious aspects of yourself that need to be rescued – or – relates to people in your life in need of your help. If you are trying to get home suggests feeling lost and confused in life.

Tsunamis are very powerful dream symbols that relate to insecurity, vulnerability, emotional upheavals, overwhelming feelings of fear in the dreamers life. They emerge when negative events or past traumas engulf the dreamers mind causing a build up from below the surface; repressed unconscious feelings come to the shore or consciousness.

Connected to mother earth and new beginnings to the dreamer. They appear in spring that suggests new growth relating to relationships and spirituality. They may also be related to the female genitalia as a metaphor for two lips.

These dreams might be a sign of a new stage or start in life like a transformation. These dreams we are connected to our unconscious. Sigmund Freud suggested that a tunnel represented the canal of the women indicated a sexual connotative. The train would be the male organ going in and out. The tunnel could be translated to birth as a metaphor back to the starting point.

Dreaming of turtles suggest motherhood, fertility and wisdom. The turtle becomes a messenger from the the depths of the emotional unconsciousness. They are commonly known to bring the dreamer knowledge, wisdom, fertility and protection; it becomes a guide that has found you during the right time in your life. Though it is known to attack the dreamer when it doesn’t trust or follow their own intuition.

Twin Babies
Twins can easily be translated as rebirth, luck coming in twos, or what the ancients called yin and yang energies within. Twin babies imply that this inner growth or rebirth will come in two parts. It appears similar in ancient mythological texts of having halves of the same whole, connects a bond deeper than that of ordinary siblings, or mirrors a competition with rivals or the shadow.

Twin Flame
Once in a life time you will have such a profound dream that leaves you in a state of bliss and heartache. Your twin flame emerges in your dreams to bring you inner completeness or your possible future mate.

Numbers are very significant in dreams especially the number 2. The symbolic meaning of number two is gentleness, balance, stern, equalization, and duality. The spiritual side of the number deals with exchanges made with others, partnerships both in harmony and enemy, and communication.

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