Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre.

They are an enduring source of mystery for scientists and psychological doctors. Why do dreams occur? What causes them? Can we control them? What do they mean?

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

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There are currently 41 names in this directory beginning with the letter Q.


To see the letter Q in your dream is a pun on "cue". You are waiting for a sign to make the next move.


To hear a quack in your dream refers to an unoriginal idea. Someone may be trying to pass off an idea as their own. Alternatively, to hear quacking symbolizes imitation.

Quack Doctor
They appear as possible tricksters in your dream. This means that you need to be careful of people you take advice from and trust because they may not even know what they are talking about.

Quack Medicine

To dream of taking quack medicine indicates that you are taking the wrong course of action. You are approaching your problem all wrong.

This is a form of square dancing. When you dream of doing the dance it indicates that you are unable to hold commitments. You like your freedom without having someone holding you back.

These dreams might be metaphor connected to the four of something relating to your life. This would be new birth to ideas, events or situations in your life that involve four things. This might be related to mind, body, intuition and spirit.


To see yourself bogged down in a quagmire refers to your inability to meet your obligations and fulfill your goals. You are literally stuck in a rut.

Quails in dreams bring your awareness to being grounded. They are not good at flying so it might be hinting to keep yourself at short distances. These nocturnal birds bringing you closer to the shadow, unknown and psychic intuition.

Quail Eggs
These are positive dream symbols that bring your attention towards upcoming change.


*Please see Earthquake.

Dreaming of a Quaker represents your able to find calmness in any situation. If you are a Quaker, the dream implies that you are looking for some sort of support.

You need to get rid of the bad people and things in your life! Look around you, are you the problem or are they? Dreaming of being placed in quarantine implies that you should try and keep away from people before someone gets upset. If you dream of someone in quarantine or something it means that someone needs you but is scared to request your help.

When you dream of quarreling with others it suggests that you have some repressed feelings towards that person or someone they represent in your waking life. You are holding back these feelings because you do not know how to express them but it is causing you trouble. You are battling and struggling with yourself. On the other hand, you may just be fighting with a situation, or emotion that the person has in your dream, within yourself.

If you see a quarry in your dream, it means you feel that a part of you is missing or there is some empty space where your emotions are concerned. Some relationship or situation has left a hold in your heart and you have to find a way to fill it.


To see or find a quarter in your dream signifies incompleteness. You are not feeling whole.

Dreaming of quarters might be a metaphor for 1 4th of something in your life. This number also contains symbolism that represents relationships, personal freedom and companionship.

Dreaming that you are part of a quartet indicates you want support in your life. You want people that you could cooperate and communicate with to get things done. If you are rejected or unable to join a quartet it means you have tried to do something beyond your abilities. Try getting a job more in your reach next time.

Quartz symbolizes unity and completeness. You are self sufficient on your own. On the other hand, you may have found that soul mate that you were looking for and you do not care to have any other people in your life.

Having a dream To see many ships docked at the quay, signifies fulfillment of your wishes. To dream that you are on a quay, suggests that you are moving forward into a new phase of your life.

Seeing a queen in your dream represents your wisdom and power. You are able to influence people easily so you this power wisely and do not take advantage of it because people look up to you and trust you. The queen in your dream does not necessarily represent you but if you look up to your mother is could be her or another motherly figure in your life. If you are a woman and dream of becoming a queen it means that you wish you had people who admired you. You may want more power.

Queen Bee
Bee in dreams is associated with the feminine, fertility, growth, and motherhood. This is a positive symbol letting you know you will be the sole survivor during the dark months. You have the ability to build and bring new growth around you.

Queen of Hearts
Dreaming of the queen of hearts indicates your selfish and overconfident attitude. You may not have realized it but you hold the key to peoples hearts. Although you do not really care what happens in the end you should be a little bit selfless at times.

You are out on an adventure. This dream of being on a quest symbolizes your life quest and what you set out to do in life. The quest in your dream is a reminder to you that you will have trials and obstacles in your way but if you continue in the right direction you would reach the place you want to go.

When questioning something in your dream it means that you are uncertain about things in your life. Who knows, you may find the answers in your dream! But you have to pay close attention. If you are being questioned by someone it means that you have secrets and data on something that they want to know about or that you should let others know.


*Please see Line.

Lining up and waiting your turn. If you dream of queuing might be hinting at waiting before someone will attend to you.

Dreaming of quicksand suggests that an outside or internal force is stopping your progress. Sand is a symbol of time wasted as you might be in a place that only makes you suffocate. Feelings of hopelessness, anxieties, or fear of losing ground in competition with others, and emotions that engulf you.


To see quicksilver in your dream symbolizes rapid and swift movement. It also represents your quick and unpredictable temper.

Are you in a place by yourself, no one around but you and your body, you cannot even talk? This dream means that you need time to yourself to reflect and keep yourself grounded and balanced. Try meditating a bit, it may help.

When you dream of seeing or writing with a quill it signifies a good reputation and people think highly of you. On the other hand, Freud said that quills are representative of an erect penis.

Having a quilt in your dream means you are content and comfortable in your current situation. You should pay attention to the color and condition of the quilt. For example, if the quilt is patched from older quilts it could simply be memories of your past that you are holding on to.


To take quinine in your dream suggests that you need to relax. A situation is making you too tense. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling reenergized.


To dream that you or someone is afflicted with quinsy means that you are not able to full express yourself and verbalize your feelings. You are feeling stifled by some circumstance.

Seeing quintuplets in your dream do not in fact symbolize children, it signifies your five senses. You are probably not using your senses properly, is there any deformity or problem with any of the quintuplets? It could also represent your worry about a certain sense.

Quitting a job
I would imagine that lots of people dream about quitting their job. Sadly in todays world lots of people aren’t actually happy in their jobs or work, and frequently fantasise about quitting, punching their boss and running away to Asia.It just means you want more freedom or a change. Creating a change in your life is actually pretty simple, you just have to DO it. Quitting a job also, is easy, you just have to take the step.

Quitting Job
These dreams might be repressed desires that are building up, or a need to investigate what is behind the scenes.

When you dream of a quiver it signifies that you have an aspiration but you must use whatever things you have in along with your aim to reach your ambition.


*Please see Exam.


To play quoits in your dream suggests that you need to set your sights on your target and focus on your goals. Alternatively, the dream may be analogous to sexual conquest.

Dreaming of meeting a quota signifies that you feel the stresses of life and other people weighing you down. For some reason you are worried and anxious about being unable to meet peoples expectations.

Giving a price quote represents your ability at analyzing others and knowing what you are worth. Quoting someone in your dream is actually a recommendation. Listen and pay attention to the message.

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