The pedigree of honeyDoes not concern the bee;A clover, any time, to himIs aristocracy.
The Pedigree of Honey by Emily Dickinson Home/ცხოვრების სტილი/ჯანმრთელობა/The Pedigree of Honey by Emily Dickinson Poetry The Pedigree of Honey by Emily Dickinson Scrollოქტომბერი 4, 20210 287 Less than a minute The pedigree of honeyDoes not concern the bee;A clover, any time, to himIs aristocracy. TagsEmily Dickinson The Pedigree of Honey Scrollოქტომბერი 4, 20210 287 Less than a minute Share Facebook X LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki WhatsApp Telegram Viber Share via Email